Monday, April 2, 2012

The Grapefruit Experiment - Salmon with Garlic & Pepper

I’ve switched from chicken to salmon for this stage of my experiment.  I’ve had a couple of salmon filets marinating, and tonight I cooked up the filet that was marinating in grapefruit juice with garlic and cracked black pepper.

I heated my oven up to 375 degrees and prepped a sheet of parchment paper to bake my salmon in.  If you’ve never used parchment in cooking, I highly recommend it as it’s a great way to steam food in the oven and seal in the flavors by keeping it all locked into a pocket you make out of the parchment.  I laid the filet into the pocket, then folded it up to seal it.  Unlike foil, the parchment still breaths (so you should place it in a baking dish since it can lead liquids).

I also prepped some baby potatoes by cooking the briefly in the microwave (about 3 minutes), then tossed them in some olive oil, garlic powder and some black pepper to season.  I put them on a piece of foil to bake them in the oven.

I also put the marinade in a pot to cook it down into a sauce again while the salmon and potatoes were baking.

I put the salmon and potatoes in at the same time, and cooked them for 30 minutes at 375. 

After I pulled them out of the oven, I plated up the potatoes, then opened the parchment envelop (careful, steam will billow out and can burn you).  Using a spatula, I plated the salmon up with the potatoes.  I poured some of the reduced marinade over the salmon and drizzled over the potatoes.

The salmon was incredibly tender and juicy.  When I took a bite, I realized the sauce was really unnecessary as the salmon really soaked up the marinade and was infused into it.  The sauce did help to flavor the potatoes a bit more though.  It was actually very delightful as a dish.  The salmon was well flavored by the marinade. 

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